
Job Vacancies

Listed below are some excellent job vacancies

  • NEW: Senior Press Officer
  • London Development Agency (LDA) – Public Sector BME Programme
  • Nubian Natural – Staff needed: Manicurists, Natural therapist
  • Open University Tutors


for further opportunities please visit

Senior Press Officer
30-32k depending on experience + 6% pension

You will be responsible for all our media work, with the aim of raising the profile of the Coalition and the social enterprise movement. A team player, you will have at least four years experience of working in a busy national media office. You will have an in-depth understanding of the British press, an excellent sense of what makes news, and experience of building relations with journalists. First class writing skills are also essential.

For further information and details of how to apply for either post please James Hughesdon at [email protected]

A recruitment pack will also be uploaded onto early next week.

Completed applications should be received by 12pm on Wednesday 30th January 2008

“London Development Agency (LDA) – Public Sector BME Programme”

The LDA has awarded a grant to PATH National Ltd to provide routes into sustainable employment and improved pathways into higher level jobs across the public sector targeting BME communities.


Unemployment rates for BME groups are generally higher than for the white population. In much of the public sector BME groups are well represented, however in a number of fields there remains a concern that the workforce is unrepresentative of the wider community.  In particular in a number of sub-sectors, whilst overall employment rates are representative, there is often a bias towards BME employment in lower level jobs. At the same time there is a growing recognition that delivery of public services can be improved if the workforce better reflects the community it serves.  

Scope and Objectives

The overall aim of the project is to reduce barriers to employment and progression of BME groups within the public sector. By working in partnership with different public sector organisations we (PATH) aim to identify occupations and job roles where BME communities are under-represented and develop short-term responses.  PATH will establish the business cases for intervention and ensure that partner organisations are aware of equal opportunities with a view to developing responses that are integral to the employers HR function.

 Our objective is to provide support to BME employees through Management Development programmes and those looking for work in the public sector, through the provision of training opportunities. 

 The LDA funding allows for PATH to support a number of individuals and organisations. If you think your organisation would benefit from this project or have any queries,
please contact: Anusha Wijeyakumar – Project Manager on 020 7001 2000 or email [email protected]            

PATH National Limited

PATH National is a skills development organisation, which aims to provide training and work programmes targeted at people from ethnic minorities.  Our mission is to address under-representation and inequalities of Black and Minority Ethnic groups in management and the professions by providing support to individuals and organisations, wishing to create a workforce that reflects our diverse communities.  We have over 20 years experience and have trained more than 2000 men and women from BME communities for professional careers.

The traineeship programmes cover a wide range of industries and sectors, including Housing, Environmental Health, Construction, Finance and Planning.  Training is provided through on-the-job experience with an employer, day release for college/university and complementary short courses to assist with personal development of the individual.  Personal Advisors carry out reviews regularly to ensure that both, trainee and employer are happy with the programme and progress is being made.  Following training the trainee is ‘armed’ with skills and qualifications that enables them to secure employment in open competition on merit.

PATH National also runs Management Development Programmes (MDPs) for employers who wish to up-skill their staff and are targeted at professionals who wish to progress to middle or senior management roles.  The programmes run for a year and are validated by Edexcel. The programmes have been highly successful, with 95% of those trained going on to obtain full-time employment or undertake further education within four months of completing their course.

We work with a range of employers to offer tailored programmes that increase the employability of current and new entrants into a sector through a combination of work-based, academic and personal development opportunities, providing employers with the opportunity to meet skills shortages and equality and diversity objectives.

If you would like to know more about PATH National or our services please contact Anusha Wijeyakumar on 0207 001 2000 or email [email protected].

Nubian Natural – Staff needed

1 & 3 Vining Street (off Atlantic Rd), Brixton, London SW9
Tel: 020 7733 8277 |

Staff needed:
– Manicurist (3 part-time positions)
– Natural therapist (1 part/full time position) – should be able to do a full range of treatments including facials, Indian head massage, pedicures & manicures.

Positions are on a contractual basis within the Nubian Natural Therapy Centre, opening soon. Very reasonable pricing structure in place.

Qualifications required:

Practitioners should be suitably qualified. We would be interested to hear from those with ITEC qualification.
Or associates of:

  • The Complimentary Therapists Association
  • Federation of Holistic Therapists
  • British Complimentary Medicine Association

Please call – Yinka on 0845 2255 778 for briefing and to arrange an interview

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Tutoring for the Open University could change the lives of your students…

Can you impart your expertise and provide course support to a diverse group of highly committed people?

Can you communicate your enthusiasm for your subject or profession through a variety of media – face to face, online or on the telephone?

Would you like the chance to continue your professional development?

Would you enjoy a flexible working pattern to fit in with your other commitments?

You would? Well right now we have vacancies in most subject areas and we are keen to hear from those with a degree/professional qualification and an interest in adult learning, from study skills to postgraduate level.

To work with us you will need access to the internet.

…How?Please visit our website:

Disabled applicants who meet the essential job requirements will be interviewed where there is a suitable vacancy. Further particulars are available in large print, disk or audiotape (minicom 01908 654901).

We promote diversity in employment and welcome applications from all sections of the community.